



Mysterious flight! 

Between area and time, you sense each  

Breath; from my lungs, and my greed, after loot,  

the longing, from the time, when I really live,  

under this ball, that burned me on the day,  

and in the night of blood is wrapped,  

and through it no chance has, the king,  

the night, to defeat, the moon.  

Between area and time,  

everything is obscured so,  

and undecided, according to that I numb,  

through the time, and through them, 

Areas changes, so completely without love. 

Love can so useless his, rose-cross, that believes me,  

I know I about what rambles, in the wanders the human-time,  

where I don't belong, but unfortunately you something.  


I dip what into ways, the flight, one examination names,  

because one thinks, one runs on water, the tears, for which one wishes so.  

I let never go to what that appear to be mine.  


I look at it, with a gaze him one mistreated action names,  

because he so angry, so serious, and is sorrowfully at the same time.  

The moon is saddened, and obscures, from the blood, the red roses.  

The birds sing high and lose, according to that it to me fits,  

if I sing would become, in this oh so deepest night, that I experience,  

without stars, and without sense for me.  


I sense 1000 of breath,  

but your doesn't seem with it, I look for him vainly.  

You really love this lives, which I lead,  

or you rather want to go back again, 

under the hands, and under the feet, the people? 

The question, she penetrates through my veins only so,  

and through my breath, according to that I almost one screeches from me gives. 


I fold awakens, into the position of the sleep.

Dreams of you.  Hillsides under the moon, his heat enjoys, 

because I think, you are it, that the moon, with her blood,  

so excellently it wraps so that he doesn't beam so brightly,  

into my face, into my face the king of pale being.  


In the wanders the time I am not at home because I cannot love,  

and soon consequently also no longer you, because you go back more and more,  

into the time of the sun, that burned me, but you people not.  


You has be successful. Tears stream, therefore excellent water,

it drips down, into my being of the skin.  

You give me air, although appears me everything pointless without you, and always will appear,  

I see the queen of the day, namely the sun, whom you love so, only once quite shortly  

loves so, that you me more and more gives up, gives up with to deepest longing to her. 


Makes itself wide secluded, in my likes, but I accept,  

because I must, I still must can lives with it so that I must not die,  

because I dear my life, also so without you.  


I simply should have accept vampire and that I,  

and always banishes not into the irrelevant being to,  

because that does, my skin very old, and that doesn't look beautifully.  


The sun awakens,  

I close means say, 

and is dead for the day.


Written at the 13.10.05


Mysterious empire behind, and in your eyes of the wizardry of the dark! 


If I see your eyes, I see the horizon,  

the thrown up blood of a vampire.  

But why I see that,  

if I look at you,  

why I begin to control,  

what you do, why I sense your heart attack,  

why you always look at me so profoundly,  

why you see something in my eyes,  

what lets you solidify so, approximately your other I, 

 your second half so to speak?  

I see this broken blood,

I begin to manipulate,

what I think, and says,  

but I don't know,

why this is so, 

and me takes across,  

this manipulation.   

See my world into your eyes,  

and in this blood, thrown up what there lies,  

before me, and waits only so on it,  

from me in puts fittings on to be taken,  

so that I have no longer this tortured hunger-feeling, after blood.  

In each of your vein, I read losses over losses,  

and almost no trust more,  

most is so empty,  

how the fog of the moon of the night.   

The love of the sun is as good as away,  

and has sneaked consequently from it, therefore has itself in beyond postponed.

Don't understand, why we us so like must be,  

this was, from God planned, this fate,  

the devil, the eternal silence, and emptiness in us,  

that was to be prevented, from us,  

or we could do nothing against it,  

this should be truly so, 

 after our birth,  

that we different is, 

but completely differently??  

I dear, and like to melt away,  

under your gaze of the emptiness  

and under your hands of the eternal  

Transience the tenderness.  

The life, under the sun,  

the queen of the love and the day,  

the people, almost no longer is our,  

or let's say more not at all,  

our is rather the day,  

under the moon of the king,  

the pensive-ness and the deeply rooted substantiation,  

why one at all still lives,  

under the roses, the day,  

that for us already all once withered is,  

and lives no longer,  

but not so, the roses of the night,  

they bloom for us in full splendor, 

the full-coming being of the nature.  

I see the sense in our lives,  

if I see into your eyes, 

and over bridges strolls,  

that already completely virtually destroyed is,  

but we nevertheless enter her,  

because we have no fear more,  

before the case, because already too often we,  

into the abyss fallen is, 

but we have always flown out,  

with quite own strength,  

we didn't need the people,  

but only our phenomenon,  

the no longer human was,  

and until today still is,  

and always will be.  


Written at the 15.10.05


Das Arsch kleine Werk!!


Du f�hlst dich so frei, wenn du spielen darfst,

im Zaune, der Wahrheit, der aus der Musik,

der Rosen von ihm zu ihr spricht.

Lebst du im Traum oder in der Realit�t,

wenn du sie h�rst mit den kl�ngen, der Musik,

im Zaune, der roten Rosen, die du so liebst.


Muskeln spielen eine Irrelevante Rolle,

in dem Sein, der Rosen, sie spielen im so fern,

nur so ein Zweck, um die Rosen zu t�ten,

und das willst du bestimmt nicht, du Vampir,

der die Rosen �ber alles liebt.


Im strahle des Mondes, entfachen sie f�r dich, in deiner Sicht,

die wertvollste Pracht, aber nur f�r dich alleine,

im scheine des Mondes, dass so weiss ist,

wie dein K�rper, sprich dein Atem, plus deine Z�hne.

Alles hat Angst vor dir, nur die Rosen anscheint nicht,

sie bleiben bei dir, auf Ewigkeit bis in die Zweisamkeit hinein.


Doch wird es je ein Vampirm�dchen geben,

das dich liebt, wenn du Rosen, auch noch,

�ber alles liebst, und nicht nur sie? 


Geschrieben am 17.10.05




Steh wie ein kleiner Wicht in diesem Tal des komischen Seins.

Bei mir dreht sich alles, mir ist so verdammt hei�,

als h�ttest du da was mit zu tun,

dabei weiss ich, dass es nicht so ist.

Ich weiss nicht wo ich mich gerade befinde,

in welchem Tal, das so ein Gef�hl ausstrahlt,

was ich gerade, in diesem Sein des Wachseins empfinde.

Ich sehe dich, in einem sehr verschwommenen Bild eines Spiegels.

Ich will ihn ber�hren, aber er ist so weit,

in dem Universum hinein getragen worden.

Ich weine und schreie nach dir, aber das Universum,

l�sst meine Stimme gar nicht zu dir dringen,

weil du hinter viel zu dicken Scherben gefangen bist,

hinter diesem Spiegel des Kummers und des Leids.

Ich wurde dich so gern befreien, aber ich kann nicht zu dir vordr�ngen,

weil mich die Liebe zu diesem Sein noch zu doll h�lt also Gott.

Doch ich will zu dir, du bereits fast Tote Seele.

Ich liebe dich doch verdammt,

hast du das wirklich nie gesehen,

warst du wirklich so blind,

lass dich doch blo� nicht t�uschen,

von diesem sch�nen Spiegel, der dich immer mehr in den Tot tr�gt,

willst du nicht mehr leben, leben hier, bei den Menschen,

die dich lieben, auch wenn sie es nicht,

immer so zeigen, wie du es dir so erw�nscht?

Willst du wirklich nicht mehr, sehen, h�ren, riechen,

und deinen Herzschlag f�hlen, in dem Sonnenschein,

dieser Erde und nicht die Engel sehen in deinen Tr�umen.

Willst du wirklich hinter diesem Spiegel in dem Universum des Todes sterben,

 ist das wirklich deine Erf�hlung, dein wahres Gl�ck,

und nicht deine wahre Schande des schwarzen ewigen Pechs?

Ich kann nichts machen, f�hl nur wie sehr du mich ziehst,

in den Tot, aber ich will nicht in den Tot, weil ich will dich immer lieben d�rfen,

und das kann ich glaube ich nicht mehr im Sein des Todes, oder was meinst du,

du M�dchen, der Sch�nheit, die wahr ist, und nicht erlogen und betrogen vor Gott.  Ich sp�re wie ich taumel� in den Schwindel der Wahrheit.

Doch ich log nie, und auch jetzt nicht, wo ich in diesem Tal bin,

wo du hin flohst, weil du von mir heimlich verschwinden wolltest in den Tot,

aber ich sp�rte es noch rechtzeitig.

Ich will n�mlich nicht, das du in diesem Tal,

dein letztes f�r irgendjemanden gibst,

den es wom�glich gar nicht gibt,

oder den ich einfach gar nicht kenne,

weil er verarscht dich eh nur,

weil er dich brauch,

um seine Gier zu stillen, nach den Blut.

Ich bin nicht so falsch, nein bin ich nicht,

bitte lass dich nicht t�uschen von diesem sch�nen Reich,

was aber kein Tal oder ein Universum ist,

sondern ich weiss jetzt wo wir sind,

wir sind in einem inneren eines Untoten namens Vampir.

Komm lass uns gemeinsam wieder gehen, hinaus,

und lass dich nicht ber�hren von dieser K�lte.

Ich merke das du schon fast Tot bist,

in diesem Spiegel, in den er dich verbannte,

als er dich schluckte, ich bewege mich frei,

er verbannte mich in nichts hinein,

aber ich reize ihn  auch, also seinen Magen.

Der Spiegel zerspringt, du f�llst mir fast schon,

wie eine Vampirin in den Arm, doch mein Kuss, mit voller Liebe,

l�sst dich wieder Leben mit Herz, und uns mit letzter Kraft aus ihm heraus schleudern, wieder in dieser Sonne, der Geburt, der Menschen erscheinen.


Geschrieben am 23.10.05


Sad vamp-Irishwoman in the rose-dream! 


The shadow, a crazy-relevant creature, the make-believe nature, is in the fog.  

Touching him is already impossible because one only sees him if fog is,  

and these one shadows generates, in the deepest night,  

the otherworldly earth, where we also live on it. 

The odour a rose, him so bewitches,  

therefore the fog of the shadow,  

him he before the bloody moon generates.  

The shadow of the fog, equally like the fog of the shadow,  

is not to be seen to sense, let alone to smell or to hear.  

Therefore nobody always knows the mysterious ways like he to us,  

but before all things on the graveyard finds.   

Find her he because the moon or the air leads him,  

or he cannot at all be led by these elements,  

because equally she itself, as he, on the fate leaves,  

just as it decided God in favour of her?  

In the fog of the wolf-reputation.  

A wolf beseeches this,  

him again him right way,  

to his loot, to show,  

however, this is to it in the stand at all,  

after this reputation of the wolf, to respond,  

or he is not it, because only he,  

on the fate hears,  

or only said sooner can hear,  

because this his regulation,  

for always will be, from God,  

the creator, this hereafter, the air atmosphere. 

Plainly, the fog pulls away itself, equally like the wolf. 

However why they wander both again,  

so quite suddenly, and steals me consequently,  

my precious shadows of the fog,  

or the fog of the shadow? 

She needs I however, so that I me,  

feels so truly well, on the graveyard,  

with night, so that embraced I with wing,  

on my quite precious rose-tombstone,  

so to speak in the bloom can sleep,  

so completely without any irrelevant craziness of the sun,  

because I want burn through her,  

through the shadows of the fog,  

and through the fog of the shadow, 

 I have a protection,  

that me lets dwindle,  

so to speak, in stone of my soul,  

that me not everyone recognizes, and kills consequently,  

because most don't believe in me, at me vamp-Irishwoman " rose-cross "   


Written at the 21.10.05


After your dead our packs our eternal oath! 


I want to you,

but I am not allowed to it because you live with the dead, already almost three years. 

Misses a condition of that never pass again if one toots nothing against it, or does. 

I go with a very bad conscience into this world day by day,  

in that I awaken from my sleep of the night.  

Because still I know, I would not have been able to detain you,  

even if I would still have tried it so,  

your belief was simply too strong, 

the belief at it, that you do the right,  

if you go from me now and now,  

from the human being of that you so loved,  

and until today still not yet can forget. 

I cannot understand it,  

why the way had to be,  

this dreadful separation forever,  

why your victim feels this step, to which gave, you, you me as human being,  

approximately with it I, to know Nadine, could learn, the human being,  

that me also needed it to that time more than you feels,   

or why feel these victims you? 

I have earned this way truly so, sweetens,  

what did I do then so that you made such a decision, approximately you doesn't love? 

But I did you however loves, even until today, because forgets, if I will never can you,

I swear it by him something me sacred was, and that was your existence. 

Why you read another woman to that step

forward why something had her which you didn't have,  

and would have been able to never have to impress about me,  

approximately one quite fixed skin not so pierces from needles,

or cut apart from tinkles so. 

Was it that, why you she before you for it in the dead read and went?  

Yes really, that toots sore because they would have been able to fight,  

against the cancer and against the addictions that you simply had,  

and the Nadine until today doesn't have, God is thanks to,  

but also she can turn out for each time into this eddy,  

and I swear you, then I will give my life,  

so that she can learn to know somebody other again.  

Yes that was our packs, on eternal time our oath, 

him we us swore before you went,  

we didn't admittedly tell him to us,  

but I understood it so as I learned to know Nadine after your dead,  

despairs very much, very in confusion, and also already almost the death reveals. 

I swear you, I will never break our oath, because my love to you,  

will also die never, I swear by the eternal time of our oath.  

In love. - 


Written at the 30.10.05 


After feeling 


In the eddy of the giddiness itself decides.  

In the numb sense through the walls sees,  

and through the scars that again was destroyed.  

Pain in a being something one existence names.   

In the loss of the time in a violated beauty. 

In the horror of the schizophrenias dark of the day,  

that in tears sinks. 

In a light, the disgrace,  

the eternal rape,  

the noble fate, with you.  

A word, a quotation, a work, from words,  

that however never so really to somebody penetrates.  

Loneliness the so dreadful is,  

how the emptiness in a drug-intoxication.  

Love them the death so similar is,  

how the human being himself,  

him I, to be, appears,  

or is able to be that,  

what doesn't seem so. 

Songs that I only so sees,  

with my eyes, and not with your.  

Feelings that itself about centi-eighty about the own axis turns,  

but, certainly to be give me not even the feeling then,  

in this world, without you!! 

You admittedly live still,  

but you don't see me,  

because you don't can it, so it appears to me 

anyway, because you pain over pain,  

perceives, in your inside, which hardly still lives.  

At what I must look, as it fights, about his life, but you don't let it live, from fear before you even, so it seems anyway if I must see tears in your eyes, that you suppress however frantic,  

in order to be not awake before me, but exactly if you are weak,  

we are so near us, but doesn't probably want to see that,   

always insane free, through these worlds pulls, 

with the addiction after the death,  

equally like I!! 

 Written at the 01.11.05 



Eure Rosenkreuzdeangel

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